Letter regarding annuity from HHH Hungerford, Esq. from the Cocoa Tree, London. London Cocoa Tree '? Wednesday '? My dear '? I received your letter from my Brother '?I perfectly agree with your ideas upon the subject '? At the time I borrowed the'?I thought that possibly in a year or two I should pay it off out of my own resources'?to remain as it is, it is most likely this'?the case'?as it might suit me to delay the payment for a longer period than I at first intended, I am desirous of moderating the'?as far as possible - It is certainly not worth my while to make any change'?the Interest is reduced 2 or 3 per Ct. '? as I am aware the'?attending that change would amount to something '? But I think with you that he'?would not object to reduce his interest '? if it is suggested to him that I can'?the same money at 15 per Ct. '? exclusive of course of the Insurance '? I should say that if, instead of paying'?per annum the Interest has reduced to 380 '? or in a pinch'?know whether he'?object to my paying off any part of this Principal supposing I could do so in November or afterwards because this is worthy of Consideration, indeed one of my reasons for changing Creditors, was on the Supposition that I should'?him enabled to reduce the Sum borrowed to 3000 instead of 5000£ - this'?upon the circumstance of that might be granted'?also when it might be tangible '? I certainly find it an annoyance paying such an enormous interest in these'?times. I shall rely on your sagacity for'?- I am going out of town for a day or two '? but can get my letters from the Cocoa Tree'?If'?come to terms '? I think I shall make this exchange'?inform me of the result of your conference. Yours truly, HHH Hungerford.