Notice Regarding Annuities to the Members of the Scottish Widows Assurance Society. Addressed to James McGregor, Esq. M.P. South Eastern Railway. London. Notice to the Members of the Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society. The Directors of this Society beg to bring the following Matters under the Notice of the Members:- 1. Abatement of Income Tax upon Life Assurance Premiums. By the 54th Clause of the Income Tax Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, it is provided, that- "Any person who shall have made Insurance on his Life or on the Life of his Wife, or shall have contracted for any deferred Annuity on his own Life of on the Life of his Wife...and any person who shall under any act of Parliament be liable to the payment of an annual sum, or to have an annual sum deducted from his salary or stipend, in order to secure a Deferred Annuity to his Widow or a provision to his Children after his death, shall be entitled to deduct the amount of annual Premium paid by him for such insurance or contract, or the annual sum paid by him or deducted from his salary or stipend as aforesaid...