A letter from Thomas Moore. Dear Sir, We shall be extremely glad to see you in July, I'm often asked when you wil be at Appleby. Mrs. G- grumbles that her Annuity due Lady-day last is not paid, I intend it as soon as I can get Cash. I imagine Berridge?you his Rent. Mrs. Farmers son is at Conventry and his Master expects his in July; as the Lad was of a proper age the mother was resolved to put him out Apprentice. There wil, I expect, be a No. of Governours at the School sufficient to fil up the Trust upon Monday next. We have here excessive dry Weather and everything burnt up for want of Rain. My Father and all Friends...their Respects. I am...your most affectionate, Thomas Moore. To Charles Moore Esq. at Southgate near the...-side. Middlesex. Recd June 12th. Answd 14th July 1753.