Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company. Offices: -48, Copthall Avenue, London, E.C. 2. 1st July, 1924. Annuity, Class B. 000893 Payment for the half-year ended 30th June, 1924, on 13 pounds of Annuity?6 pounds 10s Less Income Tax at 4s. 6d. In pounds on 3 pounds:5:3. (Portion liable to tax as per margin.) -:14:8. Sinking Fund at 5s. 8d. in pounds. Management at 1d. in pounds. Pensions at 1/11d. (.096d. in pounds. 1:17:5. The last three deductions calculated on the full amount of the half-year's Annuity. Net amount payable 3 pounds:17:11. Name of Annuitant: Susan X. Lady Ewart. N.B. - I certify that the Income Tax has been retained at the India Office for the payment to the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, Somerset House, London. Annuitants claiming repayment of Income Tax are requested to forward this portion of the Warrant, together with their claim, to the Commissioners, as above, who will accept the same as a Certificate of the deduction made herein. R.H. Walpole, Secretary.