The Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company (Annuity Trustees). Offices: -48, Copthall Avenue, London, E.C. Apl 17, 1901. Sir, I beg to inform you that the Certificate of Capital Stock which you hold can now be exchanged for that of the equivalent annuity in pursuance of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Purchase Act, 1900. Should you desire to have this Certificate forwarded to you by post please attach the accompanying form to the old Certificate. Your obedient Servant, J.I. Berry, Secretary. Sir, Herewith I forward Certificate of 1700 pounds Capital Stock to be exchanged for a Certificate of the equivalent Annuity in pursuance of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Purchase Act, 1900. Signature. Address. The Registrar, Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company, (Annuity Trustees), 48, Copthall Avenue, London, E.C.