Lifetime Annuities - The Retirement Security Needs Lifetime Pay Act, H.R. 2748
***These articles are part of an archive. They should not be relied upon for current information.
Congressman Earl Pomeroy today introduced bipartisan legislation along with Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL) that will promote lifetime income security by providing incentives for workers to annuitize part of their retirement savings.
“For years, the federal government has recognized its duty to assist American families in building a retirement nest egg,” Pomeroy said. “Saving and investing for the long term is extremely important, especially in these challenging times. A greater retirement challenge lies ahead: managing assets to make sure that your retirement savings last a lifetime. The Retirement Security Needs Lifetime Pay Act will provide families with incentives to plan for a secure lifelong retirement.”
“American workers spend a significant portion of their careers planning for their retirement. When the economy falls on hard times, it should not mean that their plans have to go on hold as well,” Congresswoman Brown-Waite said. “This bill incentivizes workers to invest in a retirement annuity so that their golden years can go on as planned.”

I bought two annuities this year and was extremely satisfied with the service from Immediate each time. In short, their staff was courteous, professional, and prompt. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to buy an annuity.
The Retirement Security Needs Lifetime Pay Act, H.R. 2748, would encourage workers to annuitize some of their retirement savings by providing a 50 percent tax exclusion for up $10,000 of lifetime annuity payments each year. A lifetime annuity is the only financial vehicle that delivers a steady stream of income for life. Additionally, the bill would exclude from taxes, 25 percent of lifetime income payments from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), qualified plans and similar employer-sponsored retirement savings plans other than defined benefit plans. The bill also excludes the value of longevity insurance from amounts subject to required minimum distributions and clarifies the taxation of partial annuity payments.
By providing incentives for workers to annuitize part of their retirement savings, this bill addresses the management of savings once an individual reaches retirement, an issue previously ignored by public policy. Congress has gone to great lengths to provide incentives to encourage workers to accumulate enough savings for retirement. However, upon retirement, workers face numerous risks in managing those savings throughout their retirement years.
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