Genworth SecureLiving Rate Saver Annuity Review
Realizing Retirement Dreams
Retirement should be a time when you can do what you enjoy most — travel, pursue hobbies, volunteer at your favorite charity, and spend time with loved ones. To retire on your terms — and your timing — it is imperative that you create a plan.
Thanks to healthier lifestyles and advances in medicine, Americans are living longer. In fact, the average American retiring at age 65 may spend at least 20 years in retirement — sometimes even longer. But as our economy fluctuates and changes, it makes a difference in the way we approach a longer life and how we save for retirement.
As a part of your retirement plan, you may want to position a portion of your retirement money to create tax deferred, guaranteed accumulation. This means when you are ready to retire, your money can help fund the income you need to help support your retirement goals.
One strategy you and your financial professional can consider is to add a single premium deferred annuity (SPDA) to your portfolio mix which can help maximize your guaranteed accumulation and give you an option for guaranteed lifelong income. You can prepare for the possibilities.
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Read more about Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company Deferred Annuities