Does AARP Offer The Best Immediate Annuity Rates?

Written by Hersh Stern Updated March 20, 2020

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We have had a number of people contact us lately regarding a recent AARP mailer which advertised New York Life's high yearly payout rate on an immediate annuity. Everyone that has been in touch has had one question. Is this the best immediate annuity rate out there?

We did an annuity comparison and the answer is a resounding No!

You can see other well rated companies offer more money for your premium than New York Life does.

AARP Rate Comparison - As of March 20, 2020
Single Life with Cash Refund Based On $100,000 Premium
Company Age 65 Male Age 65 Female Age 75 Male Age 75 Female
Nationwide $ 445 $ 428 $ 554 $ 524
North American Company for Life and Health $ 441 $ 426 $ 545 $ 520
AARP - New York Life $ 422 $ 403 $ 541 $ 514

We offer annuities from New York Life, too. However, when we looked through our product offerings of other highly rated companies we discovered a number of them offered immediate annuities paying a higher interest rate.

Give Me A Quote That Beats AARP's Rate

  • Optional: For a 2-person annuity (joint lives)

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Get your best annuity quote instantly

Simply enter your age, gender, select an income start date, and the dollar amount you have to invest. (If your want income paid over your and your spouse's lifetimes enter your spouse's age and gender, too.) Then click "Get My Quote." You'll instantly see an estimate of how much monthly income you can withdraw at your projected start date.

If you are in the market to purchase an immediate or a deferred income annuity be sure to get your free list of the top 10 quotes. By comparing rates you'll find the annuity with the highest income.

Click here to see the AARP website.

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Comments (3)

  1. Jim W.
    2019-01-06 10:36:43

    because AARP receives a kick-back &/or revenue income from NYL & from NYL ad dollars, AARP did not fairly disclose the facts; protecting the $ interests of AARP & not it's responsibility to members. This is a dirty crime!
    Payout & interest rates are VERY different: Again, the lies explicitly point to why AARP should not be a 501c 3 &/or a non-profit. Disgusting. Jim

  2. Hersh Stern (
    2015-04-14 15:03:13

    Hi MB-

    Yes, you can get a free customized comparison for QLACs here:


  3. MB
    2015-04-14 14:42:10

    Are there comparisons of QLAC?