New York Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuity II

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A guaranteed income annuity from New York Life can help provide the guaranteed income your retirement deserves. You receive a “pension-like” guaranteed income stream for life. Simply put, it’s more income you can count on no matter what.

Your retirement, your income, your way.

More guaranteed income in retirement means more opportunities to live the lifestyle you want—and only you know what you want. That’s why a guaranteed income annuity from New York Life offers many ways to customize your income. So whether you’re heading toward retirement or you’re already there, you can expect:

1. A guaranteed lifetime income stream that starts when you need it to; 2. Fixed income payments that are not subject to market ups and downs, backed by a company you know and trust. 3. The ability to adjust your income to meet current economic conditions. 4. Control over when you receive your money. 5. Additional features to access your money if you need it. 6. Income covering the lives of one or two people. 7. Potential legacy options for your beneficiaries.

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  • Optional: For a 2-person annuity (joint lives)

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How guaranteed income annuities work.

A guaranteed income annuity provides you with a worry-free stream of guaranteed income. You can purchase one before or after you retire. The money in your annuity—which you invest as a lump sum or in a series of payments, depending on the policy you choose—generates a stream of income paid out to you for life. The amount of income you receive depends on several factors, including your age, gender, premium amount, and your chosen payout option.

New York Life offers several guaranteed income annuities to match your needs. Depending on the one you purchase, you can begin receiving income immediately or as far out as 40 years. Once it starts, this income will last for your entire life.

It’s your money, so you have some additional access to it as well. And you can further maximize your guaranteed income by adding additional features to your annuity. Ask your representative for full information on all the guaranteed income annuities we offer.

Don’t just look forward to a long retirement. Expect it.

Most people underestimate how long they’re going to live. This means they also misjudge how long their money will need to last. Chances are, a long retirement is in your future. How long? Here’s some data on the likelihood of a current 65-year-old living 10, 20, and 30 more years.

By the way, a guaranteed income annuity lasts for your entire life—no matter what the data says.

The likelihood that a 65-year-old lives to be:
  Male Female One member of a couple
75 Years Old 89.0% 91.3% 99.0%
85 Years Old 63.4% 70.5% 89.2%
95 Years Old 20.1% 28.5% 42.9%

Nine reasons to consider guaranteed income annuities.

1. They last a lifetime.

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Just bought my first SMA and was very happy to have gone through Immediate I found them in an article in the Wall Street Journal. As a first time buyer, I had a lot of questions. But to their credit, they did a great job answering my questions directly or getting the right answers from the right people when they needed to.
Allen Boaman
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Receive income for your entire life. Did you know that most people underestimate how long they are going to live? Over half of pre-retirees estimate life expectancy to be below the national average. Chances are, a long retirement is in your future. So let’s plan accordingly. The income from a guaranteed income annuity ensures that no matter how long your retirement is, you will be covered. And since you cannot predict how long your retirement will be, let New York Life eliminate the guesswork.

2. They are dependable.

Enjoy guaranteed income that’s not tied to market fluctuations. A lot of folks withdraw money from their investments to help pay for retirement. But stock market losses can have a significant impact on this strategy. Think about it: withdrawing money from a declining investment can quickly shorten the timeline for how long it will last. By adding a guaranteed income annuity to your overall portfolio, you can remove some of this risk and unpredictability. That’s because the income you receive isn’t tied to the stock market, and you can count on it for the rest of your life.

3. You can keep up with inflation.

Use optional features to help maintain your purchasing power. Over the past few decades, rising prices for gas, groceries, and education serve as clear examples of inflation’s impact on our lives. Conveniently, guaranteed income annuities offer optional features to help protect your income from the effects of inflation, allowing you to keep up with current economic environments throughout your retirement.

4. They’re perfect for rollovers.

Turn existing retirement plan assets into guaranteed income for life. Do you have money sitting in a 401(k) from a previous employer? Are you trying to figure out what to do with your IRA, 403(b), or employer-sponsored retirement plan? Rolling some, or all, of those assets into a guaranteed income annuity is an easy way to turn that money into exactly what it was intended for—a steady stream of income you can count on for the rest of your life.

5. They are designed just for you.

When do you need your income?

Income Now

Start receiving your income immediately or within the next year.

Income Later

Defer your income until a later date. By doing so, you can benefit from higher payout rates and make smaller premium contributions over time, as opposed to one larger lump sum.

How often would you like to receive your income?

Choose the frequency of your income payments: Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually

Do you foresee your income needs changing?

A New York Life guaranteed income annuity is not one-size-fits-all. There is a wide range of options available that can help you meet future needs. Ask your representative for a fact sheet for full information on all the products and options available to you.

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I was hesitant at first to buy an annuity on the internet. Once I got your quote report and read your reviews I was happy I found your website. Your phone reps were always very helpful. You made the whole thing go really simple. Thank you guys!
Joe Murphy
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6. They can cover your loved ones, too.

Share your income through joint ownership.

If you want your income to also cover a loved one in retirement—like a spouse or a grandchild—you can purchase a joint-life guaranteed income annuity. By doing so, you’ll ensure that income will be paid to both of you throughout your lifetimes.

7. You may get more income than you would from alternatives.

Create higher income amounts than other types of strategies.

Each income payment you receive from a guaranteed income annuity is comprised of three things:

1. A return of your premium (the money you put into it)

2. Interest (the money we earn by investing your premium)

3. A component from risk pooling (something only an insurance company can provide).

The third component is why other strategies will likely yield lower income amounts. Only insurance companies—like New York Life—can leverage risk pooling to help provide more income.

8. They help simplify planning.

Meet Required Minimum Distribution rules automatically.

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are amounts of money the IRS requires you to withdraw from your tax-qualified retirement plans after you reach age 70½. These distributions can be confusing and bothersome to calculate, and the IRS can charge you significant penalties if you fail to take them.

If you’re taking RMDs on qualified retirement plans now—or will need to eventually—you may want to consider rolling those assets into a guaranteed income annuity. By doing so, the income you receive from these assets (after the first year of purchase) should automatically satisfy your RMD requirements. Other qualified assets outside the annuity will still have an RMD requirement to satisfy annually, but these assets won’t.

9. Your money can be passed to your heirs.

Leave a legacy to those who mean the most.

A common misconception about annuities is that the insurance company keeps your money when you die. In truth, a guaranteed income annuity allows your income to pass directly to your beneficiaries upon your death. Payout options vary, and can be used to maximize your income or create a legacy. If an option with a death benefit is chosen, the benefit can be delivered in a lump sum or in installments, and typically allows your loved ones to bypass the lengthy and costly probate process. Of course, death benefits are contingent on the payout option you choose and the amount of income you receive over the life of the policy.

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