Social Security

Estimating your future Social Security benefits is now as easy as using the phone or internet. The Social Security Administration provides an estimate of all future Social Security benefits to any taxpayer who requests it. Simply submit a copy of Form SSA-7004. You can obtain a copy by calling 800-772-1213 or apply over the Internet at

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Complete the forms' questions, such as your name, Social Security number, date of birth, previous years’ earnings, the age at which you plan to retire, and how much you expect to earn between now and retirement.

Social Security Calculation Report

Based on this information and its own records of your previous Social Security payments, the Social Security Administration will estimate your benefits under different circumstances. In four to six weeks you will receive your 8-page Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement. This document lists the benefits you’re likely to receive upon your retirement. There are different figures based on different possible scenarios.

Age and reasons for drawing your social security

Monthly Benefit

Your report will contain an estimate of your monthly retirement check from Social Security, in today’s dollars, based on when you’re planning to retire. It will contain an estimate of the amount you would receive if you were to wait until full retirement age, (assuming you’re planning on retiring earlier) and an estimate of the larger benefit you would receive if you were to continue working until you are 70 years old.

Survivor’s and Disability Benefits

Based on your age, your family can receive special survivor’s benefits in the event of your death. Your children will receive a percentage of your retirement benefit until they reach age 18, and your spouse will receive your full benefit when he or she turns 65. This report estimates the value of these benefits as well.

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If you are unable to work for at least a year or if you are terminally ill, you’ll be eligible to receive disability benefits. Your report will also include an estimate of the size of these benefits. Like survivor’s benefits, disability benefits include income for dependent children.

Statement of Earnings

Finally, your report will contain a year-by-year statement of your earnings that were subject to Social Security withholding. You should carefully check these numbers against your own records; occasionally the Social Security Administration will make mistakes. It’s best to resolve any discrepancies long before you need the retirement benefits.